Eduardo kicked off his career in sustainable mobility at SEAT before pivoting to become a marketing automation consultant, earning X2 Marketo Certification along the way. He now heads Marketing at Kapturall, where he's broadened his expertise in Marketing and Sales. Beyond work, his passion for climbing mirrors his love for challenges, showcasing his relentless pursuit of personal and professional growth.
Marketo Engage’s new email editor, the Marketo New Email Designer, aims to bridge the gap with more intuitive and flexible features. Discover its new interface, responsive design, and how it can streamline your email marketing efforts.
Learn how Marketo simplifies data privacy policy compliance for marketers. Discover how to manage consent, comply with regulations, and build user trust through ethical practices.
Discover how a Marketo Preference Center enhances user experience and reduces unsubscribes.
Effective bounce management is essential to improving email deliverability and maintaining a strong sender reputation. Learn top tips for handling bounce types, tracking codes, and setting up smart directories in Marketo to manage delivery issues.
Anticon London 2024 offers key insights into how AI is transforming marketing. Discover five sessions on data quality, content automation, personalization, and customer journeys that provide practical strategies for marketers.
Marketo Dynamic Chat enhances real-time customer engagement through automated, personalized conversations. Integrated with Marketo Engage, it simplifies lead generation, event promotion, and data enrichment.
Marketo’s Interactive Webinars simplify event management with native integration, boosting engagement and real-time data insights.
OverviewFor digital marketers looking to fine-tune their campaigns with more personalized and relevant content, building Custom Objects in Marketo can…
Learn how to optimize lead nurturing in Marketo with advanced segmentation, personalized content, and automation.
Discover when to sync Marketo leads to your CRM for streamlined lead management and alignment.