Mario Baroja

Partner & Senior Marketing Consultant at Kapturall

Over 20 years in Sales, Marketing and Consulting roles. Experience in internationalization, and worked for International companies before cofounding Kapturall. In 2013 he became the first Marketo Certified Expert among Spanish speaking countries. Is married and has 3 children, so surely he knows his stuff about large accounts. He lives in one.

Posts by Mario Baroja:
This Time It’s Personal – What Web Personalization Can Do For Your Business
This Time It’s Personal – What Web Personalization Can Do For Your Business

Maximize business growth with effective web personalization strategies.

Lead Scoring – What It Is And Why You Need It
Lead Scoring – What It Is And Why You Need It

Here’s the thing. If your top priority now is looking for a way to acquire more leads, then probably it’s…

Knowledge Is Power: Making ABM Work
Knowledge Is Power: Making ABM Work

Account Based MarketingAccount Based Marketing (ABM) might seem like a recent trend, but it’s been around for a while and…

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