Manuela Hernández

Senior Marketing Consultant at Kapturall

Manuela began her career in the marketing field by creating from scratch the marketing department of a law firm, and then specialized as a Marketing Automation consultant at Kapturall, achieving the Adobe Marketo Expert certification twice. Currently, she manages several clients, helping them grow in their Marketing Automation processes. Likewise, she manages a team within the same area, which has allowed her to increase her leadership skills, project management, and knowledge in Marketing Automation.

Posts by Manuela Hernández:
Mastering Webinar Programs in Marketo: Best Practices for Time-Saving Success
Mastering Webinar Programs in Marketo: Best Practices for Time-Saving Success

Webinars enhance digital marketing by engaging audiences, generating leads, and driving conversions. Efficient webinar programs, like Kapturall’s, optimize results.

How To Fix Duplicates In Dynamics And Marketo
How To Fix Duplicates In Dynamics And Marketo

Integrating Marketo and Dynamics syncs data, requiring clean data to prevent duplicates.

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